Fits and Starts


Another little filler place here. A couple of my friends from Australia were also travelling around the same time as me, and we met up while we were all in the UK. Because I was up in Liverpool and they were down in Coventry we met up in Birmingham (slightly in the middle? A little bit? I don't know). Daisy, who I've known for about 6 years now, is a vegan who normally has to (and is more than happy to) make do when we all go out to eat. But this time me and her boyfriend found a vegan place that got rave reviews, not too far from the markets and the bullring shopping centre (mall, whatever it likes to be called). We thought it was hysterical that she'd finally be able to have her pick of anything she wanted and we'd be the choosy ones. Turns out that the day we went THEY WERE CLOSED. OF ALL THE DAYS. We went to a pub and then perused the markets - which are awesome by the way. I'm sad I don't have pictures but we were having way too much fun - I also booked my tattoo while I was there at Vividink Birmingham - totally awesome place. This being a bit of a non-post serves a purpose though; most of the big posts will have heaps of pictures and a playlist, they're the big, stake-in-the-ground, remember this moments of my time away. But 6 months is a long time to be away, and essentially I was just living up by Liverpool airport with my gran and my cousins (until they went back/off to uni). Everything really happened in fits and starts, hence the title of this post. But it's all about balance, right? I'd be lying if I said it was all action all the time.

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