Amsterdam is gorgeous. It’s the header photo for this blog,
looking down some of the canals. You can feasibly walk to most places around
the city, and the canal boat tours are great if you want to kill some time.
Amsterdam was the first place I fell in love with.
That is absolutely not the first time I'm going to say something like that writing this blog - As much as I'm a pragmatist and a millenial and I;m older and wiser than I once was, I will still absolutely fall head over heels for places and people and things at the drop of a hat. But seriously. Amsterdam is gorgeous.
Have some canal pictures too because I'll never get sick of them. It was 30 degrees plus most of the days we were there, and I can safely say the only downside of the trip was the fact that I got a cramp in my foot on the second last day that hung around until 2 DAYS after we got back to Liverpool.
Unfortunately we didn't book ahead for the Anne Frank Museum - this was the queue half an hour before opening time. Bit annoyed I didn't get to go in because I would have loved to, but it's an easy excuse to go back, right?
There wasn't a lot of room for introspection in Amsterdam - it was 5 days of getting to know part of this other side of my family, or trying to. It was the first point at which I realised we were very different - not in a bad way, just a different way.
I liked to think of myself as confident and brash, I suppose. But it's through context you learn
Strange little mix here
Strange little mix here